Terms Grand Prix Kyiv 2021 Online

Due to the global pandemic situation and the recommendations from International Federation of Ballet Competitions, it was decided to conduct the competition online As the result there are some changes in the conditions for participation in the competition: it is necessary to prepare a video, fill out the registration form on the site by April 4, 2021 to participate in the qualifying round. On April 25, 2021, all those who passed the qualifying round will receive an email confirming their participation in the Grand Prix Kyiv 2021.

I The process for submitting applications for participation in the competition:

  1. The competition is held in one nomination for participants aged 15 to 19 years. Nomination (solo): a classical variation.
  2. Competitive tests are conducted online in two rounds.
  3. The assessment in the contest-festival is carried out by a private 12-point scale from the members of the jury.
  4. The final allocation of seats and prizes is carried out at the final meeting by the jury in the light of the results from the 1st and 2nd round. The decision of the jury is final and is not subject to revision.

II The Order of the Competition-Festival

  1. The Organizing Committee reserves the exclusive right to broadcast screenings of all rounds, the final act of closing on television, filming, video recording and their further distribution without payment of fees to contestants, teachers and accompanists. The Organizing Committee has the exclusive right to enter into agreements with other parties for the implementation of these materials of the competition-festival. The Organizing Committee has an exclusive right to conclude with other parties to the named material contest-festival.
  2. The Competition Management reserves the right to change the terms of the Competition , but undertakes to inform about the changes in a timely manner.

The online broadcast of the contest will take place on the official Facebook page and Youtube channel of the contest

  1. May 10, 2021 – the first round: a lesson of classical and modern dance
  2. May 11, 2021 – second round: classic variation and modern choreography.
  3. May 12, 2021 – announcement of the winners of the competition and premiere of ballet “Dante” staged by Yaroslav Ivanenko performed by artists of the National Opera of Ukraine.

Awarding prizes to the winners of the competition and awarding special prizes from the partners of the competition is discussed individually.

IV Terms of submission of applications for participation in the competition:

It is necessary to fill in the form on the site:

  • Name and Surname
  • Email
  • Country
  • Date of birth
  • Name of the educational institution
  • Sex
  • Variation from the list
  • Shoot and send the following videos:

1. Classical dance lesson (prepared especially for the competition by master Minh Pham, which is available at the link on the Competition’s youtube channel) and a one-minute improvisation of modern choreography. Choose music on your own.

2. Classic variation in stage costume (can be found at the link)

3. Contemporary choreography in stage constume (up to 3 minutes)

  • Profile photo (minimum height / width 1000px, preferably square size)
  • Stage photo (minimum height / width 1000px, preferably square size, for publication in a digital booklet)
  • Scan of an identity document
  • Scan of a document from an educational institution

V Award procedure and Prizes of the competition-festival

Нагороди переможцям міжнародного балетного конкурсу-фестивалю Grand Prix Kyiv

Молодша група

Гран Пріприз Володимира Малахова 1000€
I премія800$
II премія600$
III премія400$

Старша група

Гран Пріприз Володимира Малахова 1000€
I премія800$
II премія600$
III премія400$

Учасники конкурсу, що посіли Гран Прі, 1, 2 та 3 місця в категорії Молодша група та Старша групаотримують Сертифікат «ЛАУРЕАТ»  конкурсу-фестивалю «Grand Prix Kyiv».

Конкурс передбачає встановлення спеціальних матеріальних заохочень та вручення нагород громадськими організаціями, благодійними фондами, членами жюрі.

Спеціальні призи:
Спеціальний приз від Фундації Василя Єрмілова за значний внесок у розвиток, поширення та прогрес мистецтва у світі.
The winners of “Grand Prix Kyiv” will receive the following prizes:
  • participants of the competition-festival who take 1, 2and 3 places receive the Certificate “LAUREATE” of the competition-festival Grand Prix Kyiv and are awarded by a valuable prize.
  • the title “DIPLOMANT” is given to contestants who take part in the second round by the definition of the jury, also they are awarded with the gift
  • the contest provides establishment of special material promotions and awarding by public or other organizations, charity funds, approved by the members of the jury.

VI The Jury of the Competition-Festival

The list of jury members available bu the link.

The jury has the right to:
  • not award all prizes;
  • divide awards among performers;
  • award special prizes;
  • a children’s jury works at the competition, which determines the prize of audience sympathy;
  • the decisions of the jury are not subject to discussion.

VII Additional Information

  • When submitting the online form, the Participants consent to the processing of personal data (processing and use of personal data, dissemination of personal data and granting access to third parties to personal data).
  • the signed application of the contestant is a confirmation that the future participant fully accepts the valid terms.